08/10/15 – Media Release: For Immediate Release
Heat Pumps NOW – Supreme David Award Winners Christchurch heat pump installers, Heat Pumps NOW have just been awarded the Supreme David Award, in addition to winning the two categories they were finalists in: Most Outstanding Fledgling Business and Most Community-Minded Business. For the past eight years, The David Awards have been recognising the unsung heroes in home and small businesses throughout New Zealand – the Kiwi Davids taking on the Goliaths of the New Zealand business landscape. “We are just so humbled by this result,” says Heat Pumps NOW Director Blair Ashdowne. “We never expected to win both the categories we entered, let alone the top prize. We are blown away by this recognition, and by the feedback we are receiving from our community.” ‘The Most Outstanding Fledgling Business’ recognizing a young or start-up company under two years old that’s smart, quirky, with a truly passionate team. The ‘Most Community-Minded Business’ category highlights a company where community involvement is not what they’re about, but part of how they do their core business. The winners of each category are put forward for the Supreme Award. Businesses from around New Zealand enter The David Awards, with the total number of entries swelling by 27% in 2015 – on top of about the same amount of growth last year. “Just entering The David Awards was an opportunity to reflect on what our team has done in our short time as a company, and celebrate many small achievements where we have helped people,” says Blair Ashdowne. “It’s brought our team closer together and reminded me personally why I started this business.” “To be a finalist was an honour in and of itself. To win Most Outstanding Fledgling Business and Most Community-Minded Business is so humbling. To win the Supreme Award as well… I’m almost at a loss for words.” Heat Pumps NOW would like to thank the finalists in all the categories for doing their bit to serve the people in their communities, and the judges for their many hours of hard work. --- ENDS --- Cameron Taylor Heat Pumps NOW Communications and Marketing Coordinator Phone: +64 (0) 27 413 2990 Email: [email protected] | www.heatpumpsnow.co.nz
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Media Release – For Immediate Release: Christchurch Business a Finalist for Two Small-Business Awards The finalists for the 2015 David Awards have been named, and Christchurch business Heat Pumps NOW are nominated in two categories. Those categories are “The Most Outstanding Fledgling Business,” recognizing a young or start-up company under two years old that’s smart, quirky, with a truly passionate team. The other category is “Most Community-Minded Business,” highlighting a company where community involvement is not what they’re about, but part of how they go about their core business. For the past eight years, The David Awards have been recognising the unsung heroes in home and small businesses throughout New Zealand – the Kiwi Davids taking on the Goliaths of the New Zealand business landscape. “We are so proud and humbled to be recognized nationally in not just one, but two categories,” says Heat Pumps NOW Director Blair Ashdowne. “When we entered The David Awards a few months ago I don’t think we really expected to get anywhere. We’re truly blown away by this result.” For the “Most Outstanding Fledgling Business” category there are three other finalists from around New Zealand, while there are two finalists total for “Most Community-Minded Business.” Community has always been at the heart of Heat Pumps NOW, from recognizing the work of outstanding volunteers, to fundraising for those in need, donating time and resources to community organisations, and giving grants to local artists. “We didn’t do any of those things to win awards. Our local Christchurch community was so supportive of Heat Pumps NOW when we started out, and it’s so rewarding to be able to give something back. We don’t really think about it, it’s just part of who we are,” says Blair. The popularity of The David Awards continues to grow, with the total number of entries swelling by 27% this year – on top of about the same amount of growth last year. “It’s not just the number of entries, though, which is gratifying”, says The David Award’s Founder Heather Douglas, “it’s the variety and quality of those entries too”. Winners of The David Awards 2015 will be announced on www.thedavidawards.co.nz at 11 a.m. on 8 October. --- ENDS --- Cameron Taylor Heat Pumps NOW Communications and Marketing Coordinator Phone: +64 (0) 27 413 2990 Email: cameron@heatpumpsnow.co.nz | www.heatpumpsnow.co.nz 16/02/15
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Local Heat Pump Company to Help Homeowners Left In The Lurch By Liquidation Following the liquidation of energy efficiency and insulation business Right House, Christchurch based company Heat Pumps NOW has decided to help those customers left stranded, by honouring Right House’s original quotes. Any existing Right House clients who have not paid a deposit and not had work started on their house are invited to contact Heat Pumps NOW, who will meet your heating needs for the same price quoted by Right House. “Building a home is stressful enough without something like this happening,” said founder and CEO of Heat Pumps NOW, Blair Ashdowne. 133 Right House staff were made redundant, 23 of them based in Christchurch. This comes after the liquidations of two other companies involved in the rebuild, Williams & Co Builders and Kitchen Appliances Ltd. All of these closures will affect the completion of hundreds of homes across Canterbury. “We love helping with new homes in Christchurch, because for most it reflects a deep sense of healing. It’s a chance to move forward into a brighter future. To see people’s smiles when they walk into their completed home for the first time is a wonderful feeling. Just brilliant,” says Blair Ashdowne. Heat Pumps NOW is a Christchurch based, community focused company specialising in the sale and installation of heating solutions. - ENDS - For more information contact Heat Pumps NOW founder and CEO Blair Ashdowne: 03 377 7393 / [email protected] / www.heatpumpsnow.co.nz Date: 10/09/14
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Community Heroes Given Recognition for Volunteer Work The Heat Pumps Now Community Heroes programme recognized Mary-Ellen Wilson this week with a Honeypot Café voucher and morning tea for her and her colleagues, because of her services to Volunteering Canterbury, Willowbank, and the Red Cross. Director of Heat Pumps Now Blair Ashdowne started the Community Heroes scheme to reward one person each month volunteering in the community. People can nominate anyone based in Christchurch engaging in unpaid work that benefits others, and the winners are chosen at random from all submissions. “Community is at the heart of Heat Pumps Now. I got into this business to help my family, friends and neighbours with their home heating solutions,” says Blair. “Thanks to their support, and help from the Honeypot Cafe, I can give something back.” “After the earthquakes there was a massive surge in volunteerism and lots of coverage of it. As time’s gone on it’s not quite as widespread, but I still hear of people going above and beyond for no other reason than to give someone else a hand,” says Blair. Volunteering Canterbury Manager, Ruth Gardner nominated Mary-Ellen. “We have our own programmes for rewarding volunteers, but we can’t to nominate anyone from our own organisation for those. It’s great someone else is recognizing the efforts of people like Mary-Ellen who are volunteering and making our community better.” “I had no idea I’d been nominated,” says Mary-Ellen. “It was a big surprise, but I’m really thrilled to have been recognized like this. Plus my colleagues really appreciated the morning tea Heat Pumps Now provided.” Nominations are open for this months Community Hero award. People can submit their entries via the contact form at www.heatpumpsnow.co.nz - ENDS – For further information about Heat Pumps NOW and the Community Heroes programme contact Communications and Marketing Co-Ordinator Cameron Taylor on 0274132990. To contact Manager of Volunteering Canterbury Ruth Gardner, call 03 366 2442. |
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