Owning rental properties in Christchurch can be a balancing act. While most want to be responsible landlords and provide quality rental housing, you have to balance that up with running a business and getting a return on your investment. New government legislation requires all landlords to make a bigger investment upgrading rental properties. Here’s what you need to know. Healthy Homes StandardsProbably the biggest introduction is that all rental homes must have a fixed heating device that can heat the living room to 18 degrees Celcius. No more little portable fan heaters, or oil fin heaters that are expensive to run and struggle to warm up a whole living room. While the law gives landlords options on how best to heat their rental, in Christchurch where ECan is trying to phase out woodburners, the most cost effective solution is a heat pump. Through our own talks with Christchurch property managers, we’ve heard stories of tenants walking away from quality rentals because they didn’t have a heat pump. In fact, they are a ‘must have’ furnishing for many prospective tenants. With that in mind, adding a heat pump to your rental property can be a real asset. Also included in the new healthy homes standards are minimum standards for underfloor and ceiling insulation, ventilation, moisture and drainage and draughts. Rental Property InvestmentsOf course, we accept there are costs to any upgrades you need to make on your rental property. As a landlord, you need to weigh up the costs and benefits. So what are the benefits of bringing in the healthy homes standards? Many studies prove there’s a connection between your health and the environment you live in. Cold, damp environments mean more health conditions. That’s going to impact on your tenant’s ability to go work and pay rent. It’s also going to take a toll on the quality of your investment. A cold, damp, mouldy home is literally rotting from the inside out. How long will it take before carpet, curtains and plasterboard need replacing? When vinyl is peeling off the floor or walls, how long do you think tenants will stay? If the quality of your rental property is driving prospective tenants away, how much longer will you get a return on that investment? Helping You Maintain Your RentalClosing up draughts, blocking old fireplaces and installing insulation will make your rental easier to heat. An energy efficient fixed heating source, like a heat pump, coupled with ventilation in kitchens and bathrooms will keep your property dry. Warm, dry properties are better to live in, and easier to maintain in the long run.
We can take care of the heating part of the healthy homes standards so you can comply with the law. If you’re a Christchurch landlord or property manager, or if you’re looking after multiple properties, contact us today for a free, no obligation quote to make your rentals heating compliant. Comments are closed.
What's Hot!We love Christchurch, energy efficiency, staying warm in winter, and getting the most out of our heat pump. Here are some tips so you can too. Categories