Heat Pumps and HayfeverIt’s August and already across Christchurch daffodils are in bloom, people are enjoying the warmer weather… and hayfever symptoms have started up. Most of us know the feeling. Itchy eyes, runny nose, uncontrollable sneezing… We’re just not used to feeling this way in August! A Warm Year For Christchurch2016 has beaten a number of records for the warmest year ever. It’s certainly felt that way in Christchurch. Temperatures have been fairly mild and there were fewer frosty starts in the mornings. Higher temperatures are playing havoc with our environment. Flowers that normally bloom around October are flowering already with the warmer weather. Pine forests around New Zealand are already releasing pollen in thick clouds. As the warm wind picks up, and those famous Canterbury NorWesters start blowing, the problem will only get worse. Did you know, wind-born pollen can travel up to 4000km? That’s twice the length of New Zealand. As the warmer weather and high winds move down the country, we can expect a lot of that pollen to end up in Christchurch. Normally people prone to hayfever expect symptoms to start in September, but predictions are the pollen-filled winds will only increase from now until the end of November! That’s not ideal, but there is a solution. Heat Pumps Filter Your AirThe hotter weather means there’s less need to heat our homes. If the pollen and hotter weather is coming early, so can our air conditioners. Hit the ‘cooling’ button with the symbol that looks like a snowflake to switch your heat pump into an air conditioner. Your heat pump filters the air inside your Christchurch home, trapping the wind-borne pollen, dust and dirt swept up by the Canterbury Norwesters so you can breathe easier. The Asthma Foundation of New Zealand endorses Fujitsu Nocria heat pumps for their superior air filtration, helping those with breathing difficulties. As we officially move into spring and summer, the same setting will help you find relief when temperatures in Christchurch really climb into the 20s and 30s. Sometimes opening a window just isn’t an option. It won’t make your house any cooler, and you will only be letting in the dust and pollen that sets off your hayfever symptoms.
A ceiling or desk fan will blow the air around a room, perhaps making you feel a little cooler but it won’t do anything about the humidity or introduce fresh air. Acting as an air conditioner, your heat pump will keep you cool, while filtering the outside air. The air conditioning setting transfers the muggy, humid air inside your home outside. At the same time bringing in cool, fresh air from outside and filtering out the hayfever inducing dust and pollens. As the Norwesters rage around Christchurch, you’ll be able to relax in cool comfort with no sniffly symptoms. If you’re already feeling the effects of the early spring in Christchurch and want to do something about it, contact Heat Pumps NOW on 03 377 7393 for a free, no obligations quote. Comments are closed.
What's Hot!We love Christchurch, energy efficiency, staying warm in winter, and getting the most out of our heat pump. Here are some tips so you can too. Categories