2015 David Award WinnersWow… The whole Heat Pumps NOW team is still recovering from the news that this little Christchurch company are national award winning champions!!! Heat Pumps NOW - Watch This Space!After helping launch the Pay it Forward Community Co-Op in May 2015, Heat Pumps NOW Director, Blair Ashdowne said: “What we’ve done here today is just a small part of what we’re going to be doing in this neighbourhood and in this city. Watch this space…” Check out the video to see for yourself. Who knew how true that statement would be? According to their website, The David Awards have been recognising the unsung heroes in home and small businesses throughout New Zealand for the past eight years, whose tenacity, courage and ingenuity place them firmly at the forefront of entrepreneurship in this country. Apparently, this means us. Heat Pumps NOW is a member of one of the best BNI chapters in Christchurch. BNI is a business networking group that sponsors The David Awards. Through BNI we found out about the competition, and in typical Heat Pumps NOW fashion thought we may as well give it a go, not really expecting to get anywhere. Heat Pumps NOW entered the categories for People’s Choice, Most Outstanding Fledgling Business, and Most-Community Minded Business. Thanks to everyone who voted for Heat Pumps NOW to win the People’s Choice Award. We didn’t get anywhere with that one, but we’re very grateful for our supporters who followed the link and voted. “The Most Outstanding Fledgling Business” category recognizes a company under two years old that’s smart, quirky, with a truly passionate team. The “Most Community-Minded Business,” highlights a company where community involvement is not what they’re about, but part of how they go about their core business. For the “Most Outstanding Fledgling Business” category there were three other finalists from around New Zealand, while there were just two finalists total for “Most Community-Minded Business.” Community has always been at the heart of Heat Pumps NOW, from recognizing the work of outstanding volunteers, to fundraising for those in need, donating time and resources to community organisations around Christchurch, and giving grants to local artists.
Winner of Two Categories and Supreme Overall AwardHeat Pumps NOW won both of the categories we were finalists in! Heat Pumps NOW is the Most Outstanding Fledgling Business, and Most-Community Minded Business in all of Christchurch, and New Zealand! The winners of each of the nine categories became nominees for the Supreme David Award, recognizing the best business overall… and we won that too! “We were up against some truly great business, not just from around Christchurch but all of New Zealand,” says Blair. “We are so humbled with this result, and want to take this opportunity to thank each and every Cantabrian who has supported Heat Pumps NOW. We couldn’t do what we do without you.” The David Awards Judges Comments“Heat Pumps NOW began with a vision to make a difference for people in Christchurch who needed heating. They provide a personal and reliable service to residents worn out from fighting to be heard by large organisations. Their excellent customer service has ensured their growth through word of mouth and referrals. They also contribute to their community in practical and measureable ways. They are succeeding where larger companies in their area have failed.” - Davids Award Judge Pam Martin, on behalf of the judging panel. “Thanks also to all the businesses who entered, not just from Christchurch but around New Zealand too. It’s good to always strive for excellence, to serve our communities, and work to make the area we live in a better place to be,” says Blair Ashdowne. “Those should be our top priorities, whether we’ve entered a competition or not.”
If you’d like to experience our award winning service for yourself, or just want to say “congratulations,” contact Heat Pumps NOW on 03 377 7393. Comments are closed.
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