Outdoor Heat Pump MaintenanceThere's phenomenal growth across Christchurch right now. What’s been growing around your place? The mixture of Autumn sun and the odd sprinkle of rain does wonders around the garden. Just when you’ve finished mowing the lawns or trimming the hedge the very next day there are new growth shoots coming through. Christmas time and holidays can mean a few of us grow a little around the middle. The to-do list of jobs around the house also grows as we think about Summer DIY jobs. Now we're officially in Autumn and marching through the year, DIY projects go on the backburner as work and the daily grind takes over. With all of the new growth around Christchurch, remember to take care of your heat pump. We’ve already published some blogs with tips for taking care of your indoor unit. Now it’s time to take a step outdoors. The indoor and outdoor heat pump units are connected, and they work by moving air from one place to another. Click here to learn more about how heat pumps work. They transfer air from outside, inside and vice versa. It gets difficult for heat pumps to keep the air flowing if one end of the channel is blocked. Keep the area around your outdoor unit free and clear for the air to flow through. Make sure grass, plants, and other growth is trimmed back. While it’s tempting to use it as a stand for bikes or outdoor play equipment, it’s not a good idea. Blockage around the outdoor heat pump unit makes your heat pump work harder to do the same job. This decreases efficiency, increasing your power bill and the chance for something to get damaged. Like us, heat pumps shouldn’t work harder than they have to and appreciate it when life is made easier for them. Heat pumps also act as dehumidifiers, keeping your home dry in winter and summer. Instead of emptying a dehumidifier bucket every couple of hours, heat pumps pipe the excess moisture in the air outside. If you see water coming out of the outdoor unit, that’s ok! That’s meant to happen! However, left unchecked that water can cause mould and corrosion which can damage your outdoor heat pump unit.
Check your outdoor unit thoroughly, and wipe down the surfaces to clear away any dirt or mould. It’s also a good opportunity to check the wires and cables around the heat pump for any signs of wear or damage. We can clean and service both your indoor and outdoor heat pump units to increase the airflow and improve efficiency. With all the growth happening around Christchurch, your power bill doesn’t need to be one of them. We can also repair units that aren’t working properly, so your heat pump will be in top shape as we move towards winter. With a little care, you can look after your outdoor heat pump unit over summer. If you see any cause for concern, like excessive rust or mould on the inside of the heat pump unit, or frayed wiring, contact Heat Pumps NOW on 03 377 7393. Comments are closed.
What's Hot!We love Christchurch, energy efficiency, staying warm in winter, and getting the most out of our heat pump. Here are some tips so you can too. Categories