Every year, Christchurch has cause to pull out our Split Enz records and listen to ‘Four Seasons In One Day.’ Seriously, what happened to our Christchurch summer? Scorching Canterbury days were replaced by torrential rain and temperatures dropping close to single digits. What's going on? Snow In January!People across Christchurch were posting photos to social media showing they had lit their fires, pulled gas heaters out of storage, or had switched their heat pump from air conditioning to heating mode. And did you see the photos from Cardrona Ski Field? They got more than 20cm of snow overnight in January. Snow in JANUARY?! Look On The Bright Side!Christchurch’s shifting weather wasn’t all bad. The rain was welcome news for farmers across Canterbury, especially after such a dry, mild winter. It may also have come as a relief to those feeling the heat or seeking a new outdoor adventure. Sometimes enjoying a movie or quiet indoor activities is just what you need after so many active days outside. We’ve always known New Zealand’s weather is unpredictable. There’s a reason we relate to that song so much. If this happens every year, why do we keep getting caught off guard? It’s easy to blame the holidays. We look forward to the end of the year, with most of our focus on making it through Christmas that sometimes it’s difficult to plan further ahead than that. At our heart, Cantabrians are optimists. We have to be to pull through what we did. And stocking up on extra firewood or gas bottles in summer in case the weather turns foul sounds a lot like pessimism. Why should we expect weather like that? Christchurch Caught OutFor some Christchurch families, the cold snap was a real issue. All the warm winter clothing was packed away, they hadn’t replenished their firewood stores or hadn’t budgeted on needing extra gas for heating.
Heat pumps can give you relief from the weather with the push of a button, whenever you need it. Up until the cold snap, heat pumps were filling homes across Christchurch with cool air, helping people escape the summer heat. When the weather shifted suddenly, those same heat pumps were warming rooms up from the outside temperature of 11 degrees. No matter what’s happening with our unpredictable weather, even if Christchurch is hit with four seasons in one day, Heat Pumps NOW can help you beat the heat or ride out the storm. Unlike stocking up on wood or gas bottles, installing a heat pump in summer isn’t pessimistically thinking of winter or cold summer days. Heat pumps can help you sleep on a hot and muggy night, or cool you down when the summer Nor-westerly winds blow through town. Installing a heat pump during summer is optimistically preparing for the best, while secretly being ready for the worst. You’ll never be caught off guard by the weather again! Whether you’re prepping for summer, or want to be ready when the four seasons arrive all at once, Heat Pumps NOW can help. Contact us today for a free, no obligations quote. Comments are closed.
What's Hot!We love Christchurch, energy efficiency, staying warm in winter, and getting the most out of our heat pump. Here are some tips so you can too. Categories